Revutsky Academic Male Choir

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Revutsky Academic Male Choir

The official creation of the male choir named after Revutsky falls into 1969. The Ukrainian soul definitely needs male choral singing. This is an important factor and an internal need for everyone. In Ukrainian church choirs, only boys and men were involved in singing. This is why church choral music has become so enriched. Male voices sound great. The need to create a boys' choir is evident in Revutsky's chapel. This directly influenced the development of age traditions of male choral singing. The first time to hear the chapel singing was in 1970. Dear Semyon Vasilyevich was the main conductor. The year 1974 was remembered for the fact that the collective was named after Lev Revutsky, who was an outstanding classic of Ukrainian music. This result was achieved thanks to the multiple artistic achievements of men. For 6 years, until 1984, Evgeny Savchuk was the head of the chapel. Later, until 2009, Antkiv Bogdan Bogdanovich was the head. He was in fact the first conductor from Ukraine who turned to sacred music. Thanks to his sensitive guidance, insurgent and rifle musical compositions could be heard from the stage for the first time. Drip priorities have also been identified. These included, first of all: the folklore component, world class classics, the creative activity of the composers of our day. Due to his active labors, the drip repertoire has been updated on an ongoing basis. There was a search, and then the performance and recording of choral musical preferences, namely: carols, shchedrivok, Cossack compositions and others. And all this was forgotten completely undeservedly. The musical works of many legendary people can also be attributed to the long-forgotten old. Berezovsky, Bortnyansky, Lysenko - all these talented Ukrainian composers were forgotten. And this is not the whole list. The team consists of forty-five performers, differing in their professional activities and skills at the level. Eleanor Vinogradova primarily influenced her decision on the creation of a boy youth choir. For 4 years, from 2009 to 2013, Yuri Kurach has already headed the artistic direction and conduction of the chapel. Since 1984, he has already taken an active part in drip conducting. For all the time that he worked with the choir, he managed to prepare and perform a huge number of compositions and programs, more than twenty records were presented. For two years in a row (2013-2015) Vladimir Kurach has taken the honorable place of the leader. To this day, he is listed as the chief drip conductor. And today Andrey Karpinets is in charge of the chapel.